welcomes you 

Le Compostelle Hotel, a charming small hotel facing the magnificient Cirque de Gavarnie

In the heart of Gavarnie, village listed as World Heritage of Humanity, in the neighborhood of  the church, the Compostelle possess the discreet charm of a small hotel, oriented mountain-nature 

Its rooms, with flowers names, facing the Cirque de Gavarnie, its panoramic terrace, its meadow, just behind the hotel, where you can look after the horses, observe endemics flowers, birds and even the lammergeier...

On the way to Saint Jacques, in the tradition of hospitality, Compostelle Hotel is a place full of emotions.
Ideal to rest, contemplate, discover the high pyreneen heritage, enjoy walks in the national parc, observe flora and fauna in this nature protected and preserved from the hand of man... 

You will enjoy to stay there...

The Compostelle Hotel has been renovated, and was supported by the Region Midi Pyrenees, it’s rated 2 stars in the new classification of tourist accommodations








A haven of peace to experience nature deeply

Enjoy the majesty of the Gavarnie circus

Relax, unwind.


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All our services for your stay.

Special attention
A moment of conviviality
Respect for health rules

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Outdoor activities.

You can practice all mountain - nature activities according to your level
Whatever the season, we advise you and let you take advantage of all the opportunities

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All our news

Friday 7th of June


The hotel we'll be opened on friday 7th of June.

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Meilleurs Voeux pour 2024.....

Bonne et Heureuse Année
Happy New Year
Feliz Ano Nuevo
Schöne Neues Jahr

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We do have a true relation ship with ours partners You can take advantage of the best opportunities.

See all our partners

Vallées de Gavarnie
Gedre Gavarnie